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Scripting Life Success

Refining The Language Of Your Deepest Attitudes & Beliefs

The Inner Voice

Self-dialogue arises from the subconscious, the most powerful part of our mind, and reflects our deepest and most genuine attitudes, feelings, and beliefs. The way we talk to ourselves represents our mental state of being, our true disposition, and primarily comes from the life scripting we acquire in the formative years between birth and the approximate age of eight or nine years old. Ultimately, self-talk and our engagement with it conspire as the most potent forces which moment by moment, hour by hour, and day by day fashion our relationship to the external world. Among the most important ways this effects us is in terms of how we present ourselves, including:

  • Self-Confidence
  • Self-Composure
  • Drive & Ambition

The dynamic of the inner voice also greatly influences the manner in which we respond to challenges, resolve conflicts, and overcome hardships, as well as how we enjoy, accept and embrace the world we encounter. These internal expressions of the convictions we harbor are profoundly interrelated to the reality we ultimately manifest in life.

Human beings are comprised of energy in the form of mind, body and spirit; our attitudes, feelings and beliefs, and the thoughts and words that give them rise, charge that energy and create an immediate force in our lives. Although our memories and associations to them, our life scripting—the knowns and unknowns of our existence—are stored in our subconscious as visual images and surface through stimulation of our thought and sensory processes, we nonetheless express them in the language we use, both with our inner voice and the words we actually speak. Over time, certain of these articulations grow to be habitual and ultimately define us as individuals, even though some are negative and limiting, and may not represent the ideals, aspirations, and dreams of the person we wish to project or become.

Attracting Our Reality

Law Of Attraction

The Heart Emits A Torus Field Of Electro-Magnetic Energy

How do these subconscious expressions actually function to weave the tapestry of our day to day existence? Part of the answer lies in the physiological attraction properties of the body, and how our self-dialogue, along with the physical act of speaking these words, ignites the energy field surrounding us. This field, also known as our aura, connects and interacts with the all-encompassing energy field of the universe, transmitting vibrations which are both sent and received. And because the heart has sixty times the electro-magnetic force of the brain, what we come to believe in and hold close to our heart—along with the habitual thought, self-dialogue, and physical actions that support those beliefs—ultimately draws to us a reality congruent with the investment of energy we send vibrating through the universe. In this way, both the positive and negative views we adopt and nurture of ourselves and the world based upon the true disposition of our inner voice, function to attract the people, places, events, and occurrences that reinforce the convictions of our subconscious mind.   

Of course the forces of nature, the environment and culture we live in, our physical health, and the immediate demands of survival also affect our reality. And all consciousness, by virtue of this ubiquitous universal field of energy, is a collective phenomenon; in fact, we are subject to the thoughts, desires, ambitions, and actions of others. Still, the single-most influential factor impacting our lives on a daily basis is the mindful relationship we cultivate with our inner voice, which determines the degree in which we modify or reinforce the self-fulfilling character of our life scripting, the deep-seated attitudes, feelings, and beliefs we transmit to the world.

Synergizing The Habit Mind

Fortunately those attitudes, feelings and beliefs which have manifested as limiting or self-defeating behaviors can be effectively altered. The idea of challenging negative habits with conscious thoughts to create new behaviors is not novel and has been successfully applied in various modalities. Indeed, our formative programming can be supplanted with new, healthier thinking processes and ways of acting to replace older, unhealthy ones. However, this involves an enduring commitment to self-awareness, and how we talk to ourselves plays a major role in overcoming negative habits in order to attract the success we desire.

A major key is identifying and replacing unconstructive scripting that arises in our self-dialogue with constructive images, thoughts and assertions. Pessimism in mood and disposition, such as misplaced anger or annoyance, resentment, apathy, sarcasm, cynicism, fear, worry, impatience, or intolerance—and the language that embodies the emotional convictions of these states of mind—can represent the foundation of self-sabotage. Yet negativity can readily be turned into a positive when used as a reminder to check ourselves. Training the inner voice to influence our habit mind begins in the momentary awareness of recognizing a detrimental outlook the instant it comes up in whatever guise, and making a custom of casting it aside in favor of an affirmation that represents the achievement of our goals and ambitions in life.

Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind controls the autonomic nervous system, which includes the semi-voluntary functions of the body, as well as the signaling relationship between the brain and heart. Attitudes, beliefs, emotions, instincts, and intuition all reside within this deeper dimension of awareness.

Similar to an iceberg, only about twelve percent of our conscious mind exists “above water,” while approximately eighty-eight percent lies beneath the surface. This immense differential in size renders the subconscious a far more dominant force in the function of our mind. The ability to succeed and to attract the people, places, events, occurrences, and opportunities necessary for our ambitions to materialize requires congruency of our thought processes within these two dimensions. Therefore the alignment, the interactive synergy of the conscious and subconscious, which lies within the linguistic facility of our self-dialogue, is imperative. 

Along with mindfully keeping a positive outlook, synergizing the habit mind requires handwritten journaling, which is an ideomotor function of language that reinforces the innate character of habit behavior.

This process involves developing a personalized version of the following two steps:

  1. Engaging the digital nature of the subconscious to compass and chart progress on a daily basis; and
  2. Consciously visualizing feeling-driven outcomes framed in the present tense which represent realization of goals and ambitions.

The subconscious likes and responds to receiving credit. Therefore, accounting for the time and effort spent in directing and focusing the mind on achievement is a critical aspect of motivation. The method requires devising, valuing, and ledgering events comprising the steps necessary to reach our goals, then rewarding ourselves for executing these tasks. Consciously tallying and crediting the value of our efforts to succeed stimulates the subconscious in the digital terms to which it responds, and renders congruency between the conscious and subconscious dimensions of the mind.

Effective Affirmations

Law Of AttractionEffective affirmations are rooted in emotions and require the urgency of the current moment to impact our consciousness on both levels. In this process, we literally “act as if” we have achieved our goal and visualize and write down the experience in terms of how it feels to have become that person. Instead of an expensive residence, automobile, or extravagant lifestyle, for instance, wealth might represent freedom, liberation, privilege, personal power, or perhaps gratitude and generosity. The idea is to “get inside the passion and character of our dreams” in the unique ways they may occur for us, and then create heart-felt images of that reality as if it already exists. Journaling these statements shortly before going to bed at night is highly recommended. At this point the mind is over-stimulated and the subconscious is very receptive; the affirmative imagery readily imprints and is processed during sleep, when the integrative stages of dreaming prepare the mind for the next day.

Affirming success through emotional identity and projected belief—then reinforcing these affirmations as a positive inner voice when pessimism arises, and rewarding ourselves for the discipline of systematically pursuing our ambitions—achieves a synergy of the conscious and subconscious mind and charges our aura with the bodily force, the magnetic and vibrational energy necessary to attract the outcomes we desire.

Resistance & Beyond

As we conceive and carefully characterize our affirmations, tally and credit the value of our efforts to achieve them, journal our progress on a daily basis, and train our inner voice in the language of success, resistance to the process will naturally occur; it is normal to avoid change. Doubts, fears, procrastination, forgetfulness, and distraction are common examples of the struggles we may encounter in attempting to follow this regimen. Yet overcoming resistance and continuing to adhere to the discipline is an effective and proven means of re-scripting subconscious programming—of synergizing the habit mind to attract a more positive reality.

This practice also serves as an inspirational eye-opener for many, a spiritual awakening of sorts. The experience of channeling the energy of the universe and the feeling of our aura charging with positivity and enlightenment, actualizes our connection to creation and divinity in a transcendent manner that can drastically shift our perceptions of reality, including the success we envision. As we learn to “get out of our own way” and fine-tune our intuitive relationship with ourselves and the world around us, pathways to a higher plane of consciousness appear, and we are compelled to follow them.

©2013 Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht. & Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery

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Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht.

Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery specializes in innovative approaches to workplace wellness, mindfulness training, and personal development. Via private coaching, presentations, workshops, training events, and our partnership in the unique online wellness community Your Wellness Room—used by Kaiser Permanente, EFactor and other notable companies—our nationally recognized programs and practices help people and organizations make positive changes. Please call for a free consultation at (818) 512-4371 or contact us via email. 

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