Red Rock Desert And The Fire Pit – A Guided Meditation

Welcome to the first guided meditation from our Mastering Mindfulness® E-Learning series: Guided Meditations For Holistic Health. This journey is a symbolic rendezvous with your deeper self, where fears, tensions, worries—and all forms of suffering, are cast aside. In quiet communion with the primal forces of nature, a new outlook on healing and nurturing occurs in your awareness.

If you are sitting, place your feet flat on the floor and your hands on your lap, palms up. If you are in a reclining seat or chair, assume a similar position with your hands but do not cross your feet. If you are on a couch, bed, or mat on the floor, it is best to prop your head up enough so that you are not fully reclined.

Deep breathing exercises will bring your focus into the present, while progressive relaxation slowly invites a deeper state of consciousness and heightened awareness. It is common for your mind to wander a bit but do not be concerned, you will know when to return to my voice, easily and effortlessly.


Mastering Mindfulness® 

A proprietary E-Learning platform.

All registered marks and copyrights reserved.

Written, produced and narrated by Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht. and Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery. All intellectual property rights reserved.


“Shifting Sands” courtesy of Purple Planet Music:

Soundbites (edited)
“Resonance of the Gods”
“Hoot Owl”
“Singing Bowl Chiron”

All soundbites licensed via Creative Commons Attribution