Wheel In The Sky

Spinning is a cyclical process innate to creation. Just as the moon’s movement through the heavens and the earth’s movement through the cycles of the seasons represent the cosmic order and nature of life, recognized by indigenous cultures throughout history in symbolic expressions of birth, death, fertility, and the continuity of the world. By various names, myths, legends, fables and rituals, our organic understanding of this phenomenon is characterized as the wheel in the sky.

Sadly, we have long forgotten the keen senses our ancestors possessed, abilities that signified an ambient communion with the living, breathing universe. Thus, part of the ecological trouble with our planet exists within ourselves―and our illusory perception of separateness. We are all, in fact, manifestations of one boundless field of conscious energy, both individual and interconnected, each existing in the center of an infinite geometric spin of energetic awareness.

Yet the philosophy and religion underlying western science still manages to portray mankind as a divine incarnation, ‘the image of god.’ Hence we separate ourselves on a fundamental level of belief. In so doing, we assume entitlements that include wasting natural resources and sullying the earth, all for ‘the good of mankind.’ Alas, one of the unique aspects of our ‘exalted’ genus is that we fail to live in harmony with nature.

There are species far older than we are that have evolved forms of intelligence we have not yet begun to fathom. They have seen our kind come and go. They have witnessed the rise and fall of our civilizations. Wisely, they maintain a distance from us, even as we encroach upon their natural habitats and threaten their existence.

The suffering of our planet reflects divisions that exist within each of us, in our attitudes and beliefs, our words and deeds, our apathy and our vain perceptions of creatures we know so little about―beings with complex social and family structures, etheric sentience, and communication and language facilities that elude our grasp. Ultimately, the healing of the earth must first manifest within our individual hearts and minds, for that is where the force of divine unity and boundless consciousness, the interconnected circle of life in all its magnificent forms and potentialities, will anneal our survival.

Indeed, we do not exist outside this sacred circle of life but within it, connected to all things, woven together in the wondrous fabric of time and creation―bound by the cosmic spin of the great wheel in the sky.

©2017 by Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht. & Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery. All rights reserved.

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