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Workplace Wellness Programs: A New Standard In Best Business Practices

Investing In Employee Health & Well Being

Workplace Wellness

Studies conducted by the Rand Corporation, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Center For Disease Control and others reflect that workplace wellness programs are being offered by more and more companies . . .

The Cost/Benefit Equation

Workplace wellness programs have arisen and gained popularity as a means to curb the astronomical increase in employee healthcare costs, yet they also signify an innovative business trend to cultivate a more organic and nurturing workplace environment. Lifestyle management, the idea of acknowledging social and psychological factors as well as the physical well being of employees, is being utilized to effectively manage health risks at a preventative level, while also engendering a more positive and productive workforce resulting in lower absenteeism, reduced employee retention costs, and an increase in overall productivity. The belief is that a holistic approach to employee wellness promotes job satisfaction, enhances performance, and builds a culture that attracts and fosters talented, skilled, and motivated people. While the monetary value of wellness programs is a subject of debate and depends largely on how companies administer and manage their overall wellness approach, the documented return on investment for wellness programs in the United States indicates that for every dollar invested, companies save between $2 and $5 on health care benefits and sick leave payouts (see article from The Globe & Mail here). According to the Wellness Councils of America, companies save $3 for every $1 spent on wellness (see article from Managed Care here).

“I can make ROI reports say whatever you want them to say, but it’s apparent that investing in employee well being works. Our turnover rates are very low, medical costs are down, and employee satisfaction nears 90 percent.”            ~ Robert Diem, CFO of Turck

Under the Affordable Care Act, workplace wellness programs are now subsidized as companies can discriminate in setting premiums for healthcare coverage; employees who participate in workplace wellness programs pay lower premiums, while those who choose not to are charged higher rates. This saves companies additional money and provides them with further incentive to cultivate a healthier workforce.

The Formula For Success

Workplace Wellness ProgramsIntegrating a culture of health is not necessarily a costly endeavor; however, research on workplace wellness programs in diverse companies such as Turck, Google, Kaiser Permanente, General Mills, and others, shows that a corporate-wide commitment is essential to success.  Another key element is offering a wide range of initiatives to help employees realize wellness on a broader scale, including career training, physical health, financial planning, social engagement, and community outreach.  Here are some additional proven points to consider:

  • Propagating a consistent, company-wide message of health and wellness
  • Endorsement and participation by senior management in wellness programs and events
  • Accountability at all levels of management for upholding the standard for workplace wellness
  • On-site facilities to provide care and monitoring of employees with chronic conditions
  • Free or subsidized gym memberships and yoga classes
  • Reinforcement of mindful eating with healthy food options
  • Daily meditation programs and planned group walking excursions
  • Sponsorship of employee involvement in philanthropic causes and community volunteer projects
  • Recognition of health and wellness milestones achieved by employees 

The Meditation & Mindfulness Dynamic

Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery assists companies and their employees embrace the mindset of health and wellness as a best business practice through the following programs:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation For Wellness Healthy Diet & Body Image
  2. Smoking Cessation
  3. Addictive Personalities
  4. Stress & Anxiety
  5. Online Wellness Programs

All of our workplace wellness programs incorporate a proprietary approach to meditation and mindfulness training. This holistic dynamic involves subtle and friendly motivational and behavioral techniques to engage the natural healing abilities of the mind and body, facilitating mental and physical well being, healthy body image and lifestyle choices, enhanced focus and concentration, and increased emotional intelligence for manifesting personal and career success.  

Workplace wellness programs, presentations, and follow-up events are structured to include family members and significant others. Aftercare is offered individually and on a group basis.

©2014 by Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht. & Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery

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Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht.

Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery specializes in innovative approaches to workplace wellness, mindfulness training, and personal development. Via private coaching, presentations, workshops, training events, and our partnership in the unique online wellness community Your Wellness Room—used by Kaiser Permanente, EFactor and other notable companies—our nationally recognized programs and practices help people and organizations make positive changes. Please call for a free consultation at (818) 512-4371 or contact us via email.