Hypnosis Motivation

MOTIVATION is largely a function of the subconscious. Perceiving what is needed to implement change and mentally mapping out the strategies necessary to achieve the desired results is merely a conscious exercise of thinking. The real challenge is repetitively integrating those strategies into your life so they imprint in your subconscious mind—meaning the rewiring of new neural circuitry—which requires experiencing a certain degree of emotional and physical discomfort in order to change your established patterns of behavior.

Part of the reason the subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind is because it controls the autonomic nervous system that regulates impulse traffic in the neural pathways from the brain, including maintaining body temperature, composition of blood, heart rate, respiration, digestion, and interacting with the hundreds of chemicals and billions of cells comprising the human organism. Even when your blood pressure, pulse rate, and blood sugar become elevated due to stress, your reactions are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The homeostasis of the total functioning of your body, which is your comfort zone, is maintained within the subconscious mind.

“For the present is the point at which time touches eternity.”  ~C.S. Lewis

Replacing old attitudes, thoughts and behaviors with new ones happens by focusing your awareness in the here and now. Hypnotherapy teaches you to pay deliberate attention to the current moment, without attachment to outcomes predicated upon past experiences or expectations for the future, so that you become more present in your life. You begin challenging limiting beliefs and casting aside knee-jerk actions and reactions; you develop a more sensory-driven relationship with the world around you—an open minded and non-judgmental existence based on increased self-awareness—a connection of mind, body and spirit that enjoins the conscious and subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy invites positive insights and empowering realizations, inspiring your commitment to new behaviors and disciplines necessary to rewire neural network pathways. The experience engenders passion and excitement about achieving goals and making changes, helping you visualize your desired results while creating motivation to continue moving toward your image of success. This is why hypnotherapy has been a catalyst of motivational change for so many people.

©2019 by Shawn Quinlivan, C.Ht. & Cathexis Therapeutic Imagery. All rights reserved.


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